Морська англійська мова
Викладач: Анна Сергіївна Волкова
- Викладач: Волкова Анна
- Викладач: Волкова Анна
- Викладач: Волкова Анна
Maritime English V term of study
The following modules are contained:
- Engine room resource management (situational awareness, effective communication, allocation and assignment, consideration of team experience, STCW requirements for management, operational and support levels);
- Polar Code (structural requirements for ships, machinery installations, FFE, LSA, evacuation and survival);
- New shipping regulations (post-2020 shipping, fuel types and grades, fuel switching procedures, commingling of fuels, compatibility issues, BDN, MSDS, CoQ, EEDI, CII, cyber security)
- Anna VOLKOVA: Волкова Анна
Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням) (232сп)
- Викладач: Волкова Анна